Monday, June 8, 2009

You don't understand.

Maybe you don't undestand;;
There is nothing special beneath the iris of my eye.
And you, baby you deserve so much better than me.
Maybe you don't understand;;
yes, sweetheart I'm in love with you.
but it's a feeling that's not being returned.
I'm sick and tired of one-way relationships.
Maybe you don't understand;;
I'm looking for the real thing.
Not a one night stand or a week.
I want forever&always.
Maybe you don't understand;;
I want you and only you,
I want your honestly and sinserity.
I want your love. I want your trust.
I want you to tell me that I'm different from the rest of them.
Maybe you don't understand;;
I gained everything I wanted
and lost it;; and you wonder why I'm sad.
Maybe you don't understand;;
When I said forenver and always;;
I meant it. I still love you.
Always have always will.
Maybe you don't understand...

Saturday, May 2, 2009


So, I've lost my grip on reality,
fairytales seem real to me.
Cinderella is just a blink away.
and everyone holds a magic wand.
My life is perfect
and nobody I love ever gets hurt.
I can run as fast as the wind,
and have no trouble telling people how it is.
I'm not afraid of anything, or anyone,
not even what they think.
But I'm waking up now,
and my dreams are starting to shatter.
I live in no fairy tale world,
my friends get hurt and my heart breaks.
People are dying and Cinderella is just real in books.
It seems that reality is back, and it is cruel.
Is there anything any of us can do?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

that silly little thing called love♥

"snap." I think in my mind. I caught the bird in mid flight, and now it is burned into my memory.

Things aren't the same now. I'm not used to change or adjustments. I like things to stay the same. if there is one thing that I can't stand, it's that my life is constantly changing. And always for the worse. My father recently was killed in a pileup that left 3 other people dead. My mother was devastated, but I don't know why, they had long since fallen out of love with each other. They were divorced 5 years ago. To this very day actually. So, now i live with my mom, who I utterly dislike. It's not that she's not nice and all. She just TOO nice, all the time. I just really want to punch her in the face. HARD. I had to move 300 miles from my home to live with her and her boyfriend...He's pretty rad though. But he's nowhere near who my father was. It's funny how people can fall out of love so quickly, and then realize that they never really loved them. i'm not that way, I swear. If i love someone it's an ongoing thing. Not that I can't get over it, they are always just a part of me. They don't make love like that anymore apperantly. I wonder what the big guy upstairs would say to that. Isn't he supposed to be there to stop those bad things from happening? I thought so to, but, nope, not anymore. He's on vacation.

"snap." sorry, there was an elderly couple sitting on a park bench. It's grey out that day, but her smile lights up his eyes. It's quite lovely. Sometimes it renews my faith in that silly little thing called love.

Friday, January 30, 2009

"Catch me if you can!" She screamed at the ocean, and ran up and down the shoreline,
chasing the water into the ocean and then running away while it chased her back.
The beach wasn't full today.
Then again it was the middle of March.
No bikini's or suntanned girls, who were ovbiously fake, to ruin the moment.
Just her.
A girl and her dreams.
Her best friend was snapping pictures of her, unaware that these were their last memories with her.
She knew it all too well, this girl, but she didn't tell them.
She was dying of cancer.
fast moving, cell eating cancer.
She knows, she only has about 3 weeks to live they say.
She runs up to her friend, and asks for lunch.
"Pizza?" the friends asks.
"No, something...something that I've never tried before." She answered.
"What's up with you? You have your whole life. There's always tommorow for something new...!" the friend points out.
"Yes, but tommorow never truly comes does it?" She laughed.
5 weeks later...
The friend's eyes are welled up with tears, as she tributes her voice, soul and mind to her best friends funeral procession.
"She was the most amazing girl.
She impacted my life, and I didn't realize that she soon would've been torn before my very eyes.
She was fearless.
a bit crazy.
And I loved her as my sister."
one single tear fell from her face.
"But I will move on to another best friend, becuase that's what she would want. Not to waste another moment of my life. Of anyone's precious time.
Becuase, tommorow never truly comes..."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

you're supposed to be walking away.
but your still standing here, waiting.
I'm not sure why though,
For I have nothing to offer you now.

But yet you persist on standing near me.
looking at me.
but, I will not look you in the eyes,
because I cannot justify it,
or my feelings toward you.

I am scared of you.
You and your standing near me.
I think you need to move away.
to walk away.
So I can ajust my thoughts,
becuase when you are here,
my brain scrambles.
And I feel nothing.

your're supposed to be walking away right now,
but instead you say your sorry,
and your heart disinegrates.