Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mixed Feelings.

My last first day of High School is fast approaching, and I won't lie to you, I am totally unprepared. I'm not ready to face getting up, every day, and hearing the drama that pulses through our tiny school. On top of that? I'm dreading the fact that this is my last year. My senior year. I'm already so busy with soccer, and being class president that I don't know how I'm going to handle school work! On a better note, I recently discovered that my class ranking is 6 out of 115 students, and I'm quite proud of myself!

This is mostly total nonsense for most of you, and I highly doubt anyone will read this - but it helps, writing out feelings. I think, if I had to pick a feeling from 1- 10, I'd be a 7. 1 standing for "I'm completely chill with going back to school for my last year" and 10 being "I'M SO FREAKING FREAKED OUT OF MY FREAKING MIND RIGHT NOW". So, I guess that means I'm a "I'm slightly terrified that everything that could go wrong...will."

In the mean time, I drew an interesting picture. I will share it with you:

"Octo Lady" because, well, she has tentacles as hair.

That's all for now!