Tuesday, November 19, 2013

The first time I saw you, you were astounding. A thing of aesthetic angles, lines.
and I was drowning in alcohol and feelings.
You were refreshing, like a cold drink of water or perhaps an ocean breeze.
and maybe that's what triggered my need, my want for you.

You seemingly picked me up and carried me home.
and I was lost again, without your lips. I craved you.
Needed the feeling of leather and skin.
Needed you.
Still need you.
To revive me and carry me home.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


I take things too much for granted.  While I'm typing this, I mean that I take my better half, for granted.  Way too much.  Sure, sometimes he does almost nothing all day and leaves me with a sink full of dishes, (not always, sometimes he bucks up and does them) but I always forget to tell myself that doing the dishes is nothing in comparison to the amount of happiness, joy and love I receive from him. 

I suppose what I mean to say is that I have never been in a relationship where someone loves me, flaws and all.  I had always been told that I was not good enough, that I was not as pretty as other girls, that I wasn't on the right "path" for God, or that I was crazy.  

You've never said any of that to me.  Even when I insist that I am fat or chubby or heavy or whathaveyou, you always disagree. You always point out the parts of me that I don't find attractive.  You do all of this for me. I find that incredible. I find it amazing that you eat the food I make, even if it isn't always...good.  I find it awe-inspiring that you come home from work and you treat me like a person, even when you had a bad day.  (I also find that very saddening, as I hardly do the same for you.)  

Quite simply put, you really are my better half, and I love you.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013