Sunday, September 30, 2012

Sunday night bummmmers.

College is still good. Got to spend the weekend with my boyfriend, which was amazing.
It was only 10 days since I'd last saw him, but it felt like forever.

Gosh. I don't know how I don't die.
He's... like a necessity. More than two weeks and I think I'd die without seeing him.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Felt like Writing.

                   It's Monday morning and my breathe makes little clouds that wisp away from the second they touch the cold air. For a moment, I wish I could lie in the comforts of my warm bed instead of going to class, but I'm already far enough from my residence hall that the thought of going back was invaluable to me. I keep to myself today, not saying good morning to the people coming back from breakfast.  I usually look at the ground anyway.  It just seems safer to keep my eyes fixated on the cold concrete than to make eye contact.  That does indeed seem quite dangerous, especially for a Monday morning. I don't have to walk too far this morning, so my mood isn't affected by the chill of the late September air.  For added affect, I'm carrying a thermos of hot peppermint tea, which is keeping my hands warm. 
                 The thermos makes me smile as I look down at it, considering to take a sip, if I dare test the hotness of the liquid inside. It's cute, and maybe a bit childish in design, but I adore it.  Both for the fact that my mother gifted it to me as a warming present, and because it is themed after her favorite cartoon,  Snoopy.    It's not the most beautiful thing, but it makes me think of my mother. It makes me miss her, as well.  I pass a slow traveler as I make my way to class, and I feel as if I'm on the highway, passing cars that are slowing me down.  She doesn't seem to mind, because in fact, she says nothing to me and keeps walking on her way to where ever she may be going at eight o clock in the morning.  
              I don't mind early classes, because hardly anyone is out and walking around.  Plus, the morning sunrise is especially beautiful here in the fall.  Today, two clouds seemed to split two heavens above the earth.  It was glorious in some terms, but it was short lived.  In the time it took me to walk to class, the lower clouds had disinegrated into the far off mountains, creating a mist that made them seem even farther away.  

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Monday, September 17, 2012

Look at all that cuteness.

I was such an odd looking little thing.

and since I'm sharing pictures, here's the Freshman class at Hartwick, all 500 of us.

blah blah blog.

It seems like it has been awhile since I've actually blogged.
Well, here it is. 
a blog post.

Pretty much about nothing at all.
Internet was down Saturday, so I couldn't really be super productive about anything.
Read some stuff.
Mostly sat around all day until I got ready to go out.
Which also sucked.
Every party got busted, so that night was literally... a "bust."

Haven't been sleeping much, and this picture came across my tumblr.
oh yes. although, I haven't been drinking a lot of coffee because it makes my stomach all sad.

On the brightside of this splendid Monday morning, my wonderful boyfriend is making the trip up to see me, which will be nice.  Even though I have classes. Bleck!

So, that's that, I guess. 

Friday, September 14, 2012

cut up

 I don't care how out of date cut up shirts are.
I love this! it's lovely.

Plus, it was great fun cutting it up.


Working with Charcaol

yuck, yuck and more yuck.
I love and hate charcoal at the same time.
It's wonderfully messy, and fun to smudge and blend.
but it's hard for me to get the lines I want.

and I always, always always mess it up with the edge of my hand.


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Today is just kind of crappy

I look bad and should feel bad about it.
You would think I would try to at least look somewhat attractive.
but no.
I don't even feel like trying xD

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

curly hair? 
yes please. <3 p="p">

Monday, September 10, 2012


I know that I'm not perfect. 
and you're not perfect either.
I'm sure that our relationship is far from perfect in some people's perspective.

but you know what?
You're absolutely perfect for me.
and I love it.
Every second I get to spend with you is the most amazing moment I've ever had.

It's weird for me to look back a year ago and think about how I didn't "need" anyone.
I wasn't looking for anything.
from anyone.
But you came along, and admittedly, I didn't want to "be" with you.
Not with anyone.
but somehow, you managed to make me care about you.
and then fall madly in love with you.
and then fight it for the longest time.
and then it just was.
I don't know why.
or how.
but I wouldn't trade it for anything.
I wouldn't change anything about it.

truth is, babe, I'm madly in love with you.
everything about you.
I honestly can't imagine where I would be if I hadn't stumbled upon you (because that's kind of exactly what happened..haha)

I'm yours. 100%.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Distance and Relationships.

I'm in college, he's at home.
It's only a two hour drive, yet it seems so far.
So far away, but so close at the same time.

I keep hearing people say, that long distance relationships hardly ever work out.
Especially in college.
and I just keep thinking to myself, "maybe they just weren't trying hard enough to make it work."

Because how hard can it be with today's technologies?
Skype, facebook, texting, calling.

the only part that isn't there is physically being with your other half.
and that can be difficult, sure.
but it's not unbearable.

People just don't know how to make things last anymore.
I feel like most just give up when times get rough.
I also think people underestimate the power of just trying.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012


So, I went to a hibachi grill for the first time ever last night. 
Literally, probably one of the best meals that I've had in a long time!
It was such a nice place, although I doubted its outside appearance.
And I have to thank my wonderful boyfriend for it!

It might even become one of my favorite places to eat!

mmmmm, I had chicken...teryaki? It was scrumpcious. 
And these delicious shrimp dumplings, oh, god.

I even attempted eating a little with chopsticks
(although, I wasn't any good at it)


My classes start tomorrow! I'm excited, and at the same time, I'm nervous.
I have Intro to Business in the morning, then FYS: Drawing later.

Two classes isn't too bad, I'd say. 
I've had to read a million things for ITB, but it's whatever. 
Plus, I got a lovely message at 5, after the library closed, that I needed to print stuff out. Looooovely.

On a good note, I got to see my super duper boyfriend last night and today. 
I missed him, so much! Finally got some cuddle time that was well needed.

Now I have to wait forever to see him.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

200 posts, and so many include you..

I love you.
You're on my mind almost every second of every day.
You're amazing and great and all the other words I could use to describe how I feel about you.

and I miss you. I know it's only been a few days, but it's beginning to feel like forever since I've seen you.
You're one of the most important people in my life,
and I feel like now, more than ever, might be really hard.
But I believe in this shit, and I can't wait to see how the future spans out over the next four years.