Wednesday, February 27, 2013


My feet are cold and it chills me, so much that I get goosebumps engulfing my body.
It's miserable and so am I, especially after I slosh through brown slush that used to be pure white snow.
Snow was the answer to my day.
When it first fell into place, it was beautiful, white and pure.
nothing harmful in something filled with beauty.
How can there be?
But snow has a secret.
Snow is dangerous.
and if you tread enough,
it turns into a slushy, sloshy angry mess,
that with one wrong step,
can ruin your day.

With two wrong steps,
you can recieve an annoyed look,
from your german class neighbor,
and then be promptly left alone,
in the corner,
to your own devices.
meanwhile, the only person
who even considers talking to you
is your instructor.
And this she does
purely out of pity.

Yes, snow can be dangerous.
tread too much because
you think you're happy
and your pure white joy
turns to a brown slosh
of a miserable day.

Monday, February 18, 2013


How could you not want to swim in this?
Someday, someday.

Just one of those days..

The instant I woke up this morning I was clearly informed by my body that it was definitely not my day.  This was due to the fact that I had woken up four times to run to the bathroom and when my alarm went off, I was still feeling sick.  

Add to the "bad day" equation a day full of cramps, headaches and snobby football players that have decided to make my German class their fun time.  Fast forward to work where I was working with liquid latex. Now, this normally wouldn't bother me... but nobody informed me that liquid latex was impossible to get out of clothing until I actually got some on my only pair of black skinny jeans. 

The only good thing about my day was the fact that the paper that I thought was due this Wednesday is actually due next Monday.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day.

First, I want to say that my Valentine's Day, although spent alone without my valentine, was not too bad.
Secondly, I want to say that, Doug (if you're reading this), I adore you. I love you. I am amazed by you in many ways.  I always wonder to myself somedays oh how it came to be that I was paired with such an amazing, wonderful and loving person.  Our situation was always a little different that how I imagined I'd meet someone that I'd fall in love with but I'm glad that happened that way, because I wouldn't ask for it any other way.

I have truly never had the pleasure of expierencing such love from a person.  I'm thankful for you in every way.  I wouldn't trade our relationship for any other in the world.  <3 p="">