Tuesday, June 18, 2013

little connections.

There are so many things that makes a person an individual. 
Each person's senses and personality make them completely unique from every other human being in existence; and if you were to really stop and think about it, all of those combinations are mindblowing.

At the same time, it's great that everyone can enjoy a multitude of various things and be friends with people who don't like all of those same things simutaneously.
If I were to describe to you my best friend, I would tell you that she is gentle and soft.  She loves to dance and used to love volleyball.  She likes the smell of roses and thinks that a blue rose is the prettiest of all flowers.  She likes the color blue and enjoys horses and fictional books about creatures that are undiscovered (and likely unreal about this world).
On the other hand, if I were to desribe myself in comparison to what I've said about her I would say that I am awkward and quiet hard-headed.  I love to draw and would rather kick a ball with my feet; rather than my hands.  I love the smell of lilacs and I adore sunflowers.  I am partial to the color purple, but I also love horses.  I enjoy the same books she does.

In many ways, my best friend and I are nothing like each other.  Often, our beliefs clash and we disagree with the other's thoughts. But the little things that are similar between us hold us together; which is probably the same with every relationship I have in life.  It's simply ironic that the little connections in life hold all the people together; little connections that mean so much to some and then mean so little to another.  

Monday, June 17, 2013

Interesting News

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything of great value or meaning and there are many world wide events happening that I think are pretty interesting (or at least important.)
Of course I'm going to the New York Times, because that's where I always go to learn about current events that are occurring around the world.

  • Riots in Turkey have caused a great uproar in the news recently. The Turkish people seem to be rioting against their government and have caused a vast unrest among the country of Turkey.  Here's a more recent article. -> Turkish Riots

  • A art piece, in form of a play, called  "Roadkill" is making headlines about the terrors of human trafficking.  If you don't know about human trafficking, you're not living in the present.  It is a large and ever growing problem in the country and around the world.  Here's the article from the NYT  -> Roadkill
Here's some facts about human trafficking according to the Polaris Project
    • 27 million people are "modern-day" slaves around the world
    • 70% of any women that gets abducted into trafficking is involved in the sex trafficking "industry."
    • Here's a sad statistic: The average age that a person enters into prostituions is between the ages of 12 to 14.