Monday, February 27, 2012

This Canvas of Mine.

I cannot even begin to explain the amount of tattoos I want! I know that tattoos are still very frowned upon, but damn, I love the one I have. I want more! Tons more! Oh, sometimes I ponder the idea of becoming a tattoo artist myself, but I don't know.

I'm tired of "traditional" beauty. I want tattoos so my body can portray my stories, my life.  I want to be interesting when I die. I don't want to be a blank canvas that has no meaning. I'm going to burned up, anyway, but I want to be a living, walking canvas for as long as I can.

The only thing tattoos prevent me from is keeping my regular tanning schedule, but the time off is completely worth it. (on a side note, I am getting tanner, it's quite nice. That will be a post for later!)

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