Monday, March 11, 2013

Look at my wrists, do you see any scars?
Does that mean I'm not damaged, does that means I'm unharmed?

I look like I'm happy.
I look like I'm charmed.
My fake smiles have
labled me wrong.

Look at my wrists, do you see any scars?
Does that mean I'm damaged, does it mean I'm harmed?

I hold my emotions
away from my body.
Leaving my feelings
completely unarmed.

Look at these wrists, there aren't any scars.
Does this make me normal, does this not make me marred?

They think I'm fine
They assume I'm great.
but does nobody know,
the troubles that chase?

Look at my smile, there isn't any grief.
Does that make me happy, does it give you belief?

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