Thursday, March 14, 2013


I always find it fascinating to review my thoughts and actions for the day I've had.

This is usually during my shower time (which is very shory, considering the dorm I live in and the shared bathroom I'm forced to use.)  Today's mood was anywhere from content, unhappy, bored, seriously upset to happy.  

That's an odd combination, I know.

Today's activities included:  Financial Accounting stress; eating delicious taco salad for lunch (still counts as a salad...right?);doing arms and legs in an overcrowded gym; kicking around a soccer ball with my roommate; running around from theatre to theatre finding a jig saw; cutting a two violin shapes with the jigsaw; dinner (That was unhealthy); getting in a fight and finally, making up.

That pretty much sums up my day. 
It's always interesting how so many things can be connected.
by one person.
because of a decision.

If I would have never came to Hartwick, I would have never been working in the theatre department (at least I don't think so) and I would probably have never used a jig saw or a table saw, or any other tool in the theatre shop.

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