Thursday, May 31, 2012

tickle fights have been postponed.

At least for a little while! The reason being because I have recently gotten my bellybutton (or navel!) pierced.  While it hurts like a bastard right now, I am pleased with it.  It's cute, but I need to lose some weight if I want anything to look spectacular. I'm not supposed to swim for 6 to 8 weeks, but fuck that shit. I'll swim when I want D:

(On the other hand, a tickle fight seems to be exactly what I need right now. Or something to laugh about! I can't stand this week!)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

To be frank...

I have eleven days of high school left. 
I go to college orientation Sunday.
I graduate? So soon? 
I just started senior year, and this isn't even fair!
Besides that fact that I'm going to make empty promises to keep in touch with most people, there are a few that I do want to keep contact with.
like, my close friends.

To be frank (pun intended!)
The only high school friend I would really care about losing contact with is Ms. Teaka Frank.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial day? xD

I'm a nerd. 

I also get to ride in the super duper Memorial Day parade. Yay...

At least I get to wear my dress again. :3

Sunday, May 27, 2012

those things that make me smile.

Actually having energy to do anything.
Waking up from a nap and not being more tired than I was before I napped.
Warmth from a campfire.
That crazy weird feeling before the drop from the largest "hill" on a roller coaster.
The feeling after surviving that roller coaster.
Getting a compliment when you really tried to look nice.
Bonfires that last all night.
That first time in spring where it is warm enough for you to take your shoes off and feel the grass on your feet.
Really excellent hugs. (you know, those ones that make you feel good all over :3)
Swimming. All day. Every day of summer.

blah. blah. blah. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I fell in love with the most amazing boy, ever.

It is certainly crazy to think that almost a year ago, I "met" the person I am now madly in love with.
(of course, I really met him a loooong time ago, when we were both much younger. Which is to be expected in a small town, no?)

I could not ask for anyone better, and he's such a sweetheart!
It makes me entirely happy to know that I'm his. It's quite wonderful.

I'm full of smiles. It amazes me, sometimes.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Today has not been positive at all today.
I woke up with a killer headache that only preceded to get worse throughout the day.
It got slightly better during gym, which makes no sense, but whatever. 

I'm pretty sure I failed my calc test today, because I generally have no idea what I'm doing.
Art sucks.
ACE Comp II sucks.
Gym usually sucks.
I need more sleep.

Monday, May 21, 2012


Driving sucks my energy, and I'm not really sure why.
But I'm tired as hell from driving to Wilpo and back today.
Got to spend some time with Amy though, and that was nice.

Eck. I'm just in one of those moods were I want to snuggle down in my bed and sleep forever without any regard to anyone.
In better news, I got my cap and gown today. Graduation is only 26 days away!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

I can blog in school.

Well, this is new.  Now I can blog in school and not worry about blogging at home. That's pretty nifty.  I can't post any pictures of course, but it is what it is.

I'm in ACE Comp II right now, and I should be reading "In Cold Blood" by Truman Capote.  It's a pretty interesting book, and for sure a good read.  It's a non-fiction fiction, if that makes any sense.  It's about a murder, that actually happened in Holcomb, Kansas. Capote uses all of the facts from the murder but adds more on to the actual facts.  

I guess I should also be working on my next essay, but I pretty much do not want to.  We're doing a compare/contrast essay, but it is not as easy as it sounds.  We have to compare and contrast two literary works...academically.  Phew! It is due Monday, or at least a peer edit. Blah blah blah. I know what I'll be doing this weekend!

It's official now, Ryan and I are running for Mr. and Mrs. Williamson. Need a slogan though...
Watkins and Belz...ringing in the end of the year!
Nope, maybe. Who knows.

I'll think of something!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Senior Trip: Photo Bombardment!

Kayaking for the first time ever. Great time, one thing I'd love to do more!
Just a group of senior girls, eh?
Awkward Allison is awkward..
Best friend and I at the beach. (Of course I had to be in my bathing suit because I couldn't get enough of the ocean!)
Ocean time at the pier. Could have a thousand more days like this and be happy.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Concert. :')

Hi, I'm Allison. I got all dressed up for my last high school chorus concert tonight! It is sad, that I'll be leaving this tiny town and never once singing in Williamson High School's chorus again. 
Sad sad sad day.

On the bright side, I had a teeny tiny solo in "Bridge Over Troubled Water", which was cute-ish.
Not to mention I looked cute-ish.  I mean, besides the picture above, but you've got to have a little silly to be happy in life.

Funniest Moment

I didn't mention that the funniest time for me on senior trip happened with a friend of mine, Alexis, at Six Flags: America in Maryland. 

Not seeing the sign, we walked straight in.
Straight in to the men's bathroom!
Oh my goodness, it was so funny!
Luckily, we got out before we saw anything or were spotted by more than two people.


Monday, May 14, 2012

Senior Trip.

Beautiful sunrise over the ocean at Nags Head, North Carolina.  This is the morning when we left, and although you can't see them, there were dolphins (or as I like to pronounce it "dullfins") splashing and playing in the water.
I had the great pleasure of spending time with 44 other seniors at the many places we went! Tons and tons and tons of fun!  This was my first time actually being at the ocean, swimming and fishing and all sorts of other things.  I can't say that I didn't enjoy it, because it was the most amazing thing ever, and so beautiful!
We ate at a great place called Kelly's and the Pit Surf Shop.
One of our seniors, Macory, broke the record at the Pit for 28 tacos. 
(I feel bad for whomever was in that room with him that night!)

We also went kayaking, which was the most fun ever! I enjoyed it, even though my shoulders didn't as much.  

Chilling at the beach in my...(get ready for the sarcasm) super sexy and lovely tankini.
There will be, for sure, more pictures to come!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Some mornings, this is exactly how I feel. (:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Photo bombardment!

Title Monster ate my title.

Prom was amazing, wonderful, and fun.  Everyone look spectacular and beautiful and whatnot!
I won Prom Queen, with a prom king sash :P
Cute story, and for sure an interesting memory.
Had the best prom, ever, no doubt.

Got to spend the night with my boy, which was amazing, and a whole other bunch of words.
I adored every moment of the entirety of prom night. Absolutely wonderful.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

May 5th - Prom

Possibly the most exciting day of any high school's world.
Nails, hair, flowers, dancing, dresses, friends.
Poor boys! Ha!

Expect picture later, lots and lots of pictures.
Senior Prom is going to be amazing.

Prom night will be even better! 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

I love you.

Some people called you a dog. Just a dog. 
But you are so much more than that, I assure you.
You were my best friend when I was in fourth grade.
You were there as I grew up and moved from elementary to middle and then onto highschool.
You helped me through my parents divorce, and you helped me through my first heartbreak.
Sometimes I yelled at you, and I really wish I hadn't.
I didn't know that time with you would be ending so suddenly.
I thought maybe I'd have time to say goodbye. 
Time to cuddle with you more and time to run around with you when the weather got warm.
Time to give you baths outside and time to chase you down when you ran away.
You are a beautiful dog, a beautiful best friend. 
I love you unconditionally, forever. 
I don't want you to go. I don't want you to be gone from my life.
I want more time with you, and I want to see your healthy happy drooling dog face light up when I ask  you if you want to go outside.
I want to play tug o war with you a million more times.
I want to lay down by you a fall asleep a thousand more times.

I don't want you to go.
I love you, Windswept Rosebud. 
You're not just a dog, you're my family.


Thunderstorms are the most beautiful thing nature ever produces, I think.  
They are enthralling, intoxicating, ominous and beyond gorgeous to listen to.

Thunder storms always remind me how small I am, especially in the grand scheme of things.
The sound thunder produces just rolls, and groans, and it's so natural.
I can go from being a complete bitch to being completely calm when there's a thunderstorm.
It's relaxing to sit out on my front porch and let the rain fall on my legs.

I sound like an idiot for being so infatuated with thunder, but I can't help it.

I want summer nights with thunderstorms.
I want to wake up in the humid air the next morning.


I love giraffes, I do.
They are so super adorable!

modest mouse!

Yes please.
forever and ever!
I drove slower today just so I could listen to their music blaring out of my shitty car's speakers.
I found it relaxing, almost to the point of falling asleep, but then I decided I didn't want to die while driving.

I was going to write something else, but I forgot.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oh my,

Boy called me to tell me goodnight.
He's such a sweetheart.
and he made my night oh so much better.

the other side of my night is that I think I'm going into a Modest Mouse kick, and I honestly can't wait.
I love their fucked up lyrics more than anyone else's sometimes.

"And you realize that the floor sticks to your feet like history
Don't you look at me like life don't hold you any mystery
Bag of splinters boiling over, on your back expose your belly
Optimism doesn't change the facts, just what you're gonna see"
History Sticks to Your Feet"

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I can make decisions. I am completely capable of making my own fascinating decisions.
I'm not always indecisive when it comes to exactly what I want.

In fact, I usually quite know what I want; however, when the person that I am very much in love asks what I want to do, or what I want in general, I usually answer "I don't care, whatever you want."
I honestly only do this because I truthfully do not care what we do together, I'm happy doing whatever he's happy doing.

Just this.