Friday, July 13, 2012

Just Some Conversation

i believe it would be rather fitting to converse with one another like gentlemen for the remaining days of our educational semester. it would be a splendid way to express our superior intellects :3 good day madam
14 · 

    • Allison Watkins Kind knight, I agree with your proposed statement. We shall battle the encampments in the narrow streets of Williamson together for a small time of twelve glorious days.
      June 4 at 8:41pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins and indeed, we shall converse in language that will enrage our fellow kingdom servants. Perhaps they will bow down to our gracious wisdom and unchallenged beauty!
      June 4 at 8:44pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood and when the sun dawns on the morn of the thirteenth day. victory shall be ours!!!
      June 4 at 8:44pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins And good sir, we shall be entirely victorious in our methods! As time passes though, I am terribly frightened to acknowledge that we will be eloping to our own journies to find new kingdoms and awaken the knowlege inside of our hearts!
      June 4 at 8:47pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood but in seeking this knowledge that lies in the deepest valleys of our hearts, we will find wisdom. and any wise scholar knows that life's paths will always intersect with the paths of those who have journeyed beside us, so fret not my dear friend.
      June 4 at 8:51pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins As should it be so! Should our paths cross in the near or distant future, warm welcomes will you always be greeted! I should hope that you send letters through our carrier pigeons, dear sir! Take heed, for mine of't become lost and travels off course.
      June 4 at 8:54pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood the beauty of these birds is not in their ability to deliver the words that our dear friends scribe, but in their ability to always return home. and just like our animal companions of the avian sort, we will always return to our homes, and in returning to our homes, we shall also to return the ones who have accompanied us on life's journey, our friends.
      June 4 at 8:58pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins I fear you have spoke the truth!
      June 4 at 9:00pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood ah, the truth is much worth fearing, for it always speaks of which we do not wish to hear.
      June 4 at 9:01pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins Indeed, it sometimes my delicate soul to hear such dreadful truths!
      June 4 at 9:06pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood true wisdom is earned through the acceptance of the truth, but it is the lies that make the perilous journey of life bearable, as long as we do not entangle ourselves in the webs they create.
      June 4 at 9:12pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins Brethern, I tire of speaking, tomorrow, we shall continue this admirable conversation.
      June 4 at 9:12pm ·  · 1

    • Tyler Wood i shall be waiting t continue this delightful discussion, until then, godspeed on your mind's journeys while your physical being slumbers.
      June 4 at 9:14pm ·  · 1

    • Allison Watkins May the odds be ever in your favor as you transverse the landscape of your dreams. Until we speak again, friend.

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