Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Sometimes, I like to go through an old scrapbook I have of my first "serious" relationship.  Not because I'm not over what once was, but because sometimes it is nice to have a reminder of what used to be.... A refresher of the memories that used to be so important to me.

I'll admit, I used to cry when going through it.  The scrapbook made me sad and always had me wishing for those days back.  The more time passed, and the more I developed a new relationship, that sadness passed. Looking through it now... brings a sense of... happiness? It's hard to describe.  I'm not happy because I'm fond of the person or the memories, but I suppose I'm happy that I have them. I'm happy that they weren't demolished.  Because sometimes it's nice to look back.  

The same goes for old yearbooks.  Not that I cry when I go through them, they are an entirely different subject that the old scrapbook.  But it is so nice to have those memories to refresh your mind with.  Especially to laugh, and to even say: "Damn, glad that's over!"

I don't really have a reason for writing this, but I had just been thinking over memories I've had with multiple different people.  It always catches me off guard that a relationship, of any kind, between two people can change so fast.  In a lot of my relationships (boyfriends, bestfriends, friends, "parents") the changes that were happening were barely detectable while they were happening, but it always ended up that the person and I became strangers.  

On that note, it's also weird how someone you have so many memories of can become a stranger to you.  Someone that you may have promised till the end of time to always be friends. 
It always just amazes me.

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