Monday, March 12, 2012

100 days, 100 facts - Day 92

I've finally decided on a college, unless of course Drexel replies back with an acceptance letter.
If they do not; however, I will most certainly be attending Hartwick College. I might have already posted this fact, but I really, truly and honestly decided that for a fact today!

The thing about me today is that I'm trying to get my lazy butt to run, everyday.  I want to be in shape, and I want to look good!  Not to mention that if I ever have dreams of playing any sport (whether it be for the college's team or intermural) I have to start running.  This is terribly hard for me, not only because I lack the will power to keep running when my legs or feet or lungs give out, but also because I like to be lazy and do nothing.

I need a new pair of sneakers.

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