Tuesday, March 6, 2012

100 days, 100 facts - Day 98

Day 98 - Senior Superlative Pictures were today. Sadly, I did not know about them, and did not bother to put on any make up whatsoever. Nor did I put on cute clothing. Took the picture anyway, and of course, as always, I was voted most artistic girl.  

Enough about my boring day at school!  Something about me...Today, I suppose I will tell you what I fear the most.  There are many things that I am terrified of, but I wouldn't bore you with that list.  I will give you a few; however, and even in list form:
  • The dark, and whatever is in the dark.  This fear became more real after watching the first paranormal activity movie, and The Crazies. I sleep with multiple nightlights.
  • Spiders. Especially spiders in my shower.  This fear isn't as bad as it used to be when I was younger, since now I can kill them myself.  (I used to make my Dad do it for me!)
  • Throwing up. Yuck, do I even have to tell you why this is one of my fears? I hate it.
  • My most recently developed fear is being chased up the stairs.  I'm not sure where this came from, but it happened suddenly.  I cry now, when someone does it to me. 

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