Senior class things seemed to have calmed down again...
now I just have to write my speech, and that's going to be a bit nerve racking,
but so be it.
I'm terrified for graduation and moving to college,
for many reasons, of course.
- I've lived in the same house for the entirety of my life.
- I won't know anyone at college, at least for a few days.
- I'm terrified people will think I'm weird or something.
- I'm terrified that things will happen to my father while I'm gone.
- I don't want to lose my best friend.
- I'm scared to leave my mother behind.
- other reasons that involve a certain someone. :l
I'm excited for college because..
- I can do pretty much what I want without having to worry about my father's disapproval.
- I get to meet new people.
- I can explore new stuff! :D