Saturday, June 30, 2012


This is me when me lovely boyfriend tells me he loves me:

This is me when I tickle him:

When he tickles me:

When he tells me he loves me more:

Thursday, June 28, 2012


Truth be told, my future tends to scare the shit out of me.
It's so... uncertain, and unclear.
Kind of like a dark room with a dim light, casting shadows that create irrelevant fear.

I don't know what I want to do with my life. 
I don't know if I'm going to be able to own my own house, or even provide better for any possible family I may have.
and that's scary.


My favorite pokemon: Garchomp!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'm dying.

I can't take a picture without looking stupid, especially in my hair dying shirt. -.-
But, I am dying my hair, once again. 
Auburn or some shit like that. 
Let's hope it turns out okay.

It's not too much different, but lighting changes the way it looks.
(ick. no makeup? FFFFF)

Saturday, June 16, 2012


Today is full of wonderful things, literally!
Graduation is today, and I can't believe that I am graduating high school. It absolutely wonderful. 
I'm incredibly proud of all of my friends that are doing the same thing today.  
Graduation parties are everywhere, no doubt it will be a great beginning to summer.

On top of graduating, I have the best boyfriend, ever. 
Uhh, he's simply amazing.
Last night, was perfect, and I couldn't have wanted to anywhere else.
A little campfire, some s'mores, a beautiful night. 
Literally perfect. 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Good News, and Great News!

The good news is, is that I start work at Microtel on the 19th of June (Which also happens to be my birthday.)  It's pretty spiffy, since, I really needed a job that I could work 8 to 4 throughout the week and possibly weekends. (I really need some money for college books).

The great news is, is that I graduate Williamson Jr./Sr. High School on Saturday, June 16th.  It's spectacular and wonderful and also very scary.  It is what it is, I suppose!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Oh good God!

Coming to the realization that you have become one of those girls that post silly things about love, and even sillier things about the person she loves is almost horrifying. I always hated those stupid girls, who were always happy in a relationship. Of course, it might of been because I was jealous that they had someone who made them happy. Now I completely understand!

So. You guessed it, I'm probably going to post a million little things that make those silly little girls, who simply don't understand, angry. :D

The notebook, for sure! <3




Found the sketchbook, thank goodness! (:

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Since I know he'll eventually see this,
It keeps seeming completely possible that he is the most amazing guy I've known, much less loved.

I'd write a bunch more to explain, but I can't possibly find the words to even start to make anyone understand.
It's been about a year since I first started hanging out with him.  
I  never dreamed that we would even get along, much less that I would ever be in love with him.
Incredible. Fantastic. Amazing.
Those aren't even close. 
I've never known anything like this, at all.  He's like my best friend, and it doesn't matter what we're doing, I just enjoy being with him. I think he's so funny, and sweet, and not to mention gorgeous.
There is not a single soul who could make me smile the way he does <3.

I couldn't imagine even wanting anyone else. 

I want to scream.

I don't understand addiction.
I don't understand how it works and why it can control so much of someone's life.

Like honestly, I can't believe that my very own mother would fall back after just being great for a month.
After doing all this work.
Spending all this time thinking.
And not once does she think of the consequences that she not only puts on herself, but her daughter as well.

I'm angry. That's my first emotion, I think.
Then sadness, thinking maybe I could have changed something.
maybe then a depressed feeling, wondering where the hell things are going wrong.

Sometimes I just want to say "I'm done with your bullshit"
but I can't do that, she's my mother. 
My flesh, and my blood.

I just don't know how I'm supposed to be strong when I was never taught how.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Last full week of high school!

Has caused me to severely hate Williamson High School.
I just want to be done with it! Give me my finals, give me my diploma, and I'm out of here! 

Christ, they just drag it on, to make it terrible. Luckily, I only have to go til Wednesday of next week.
Thursday is Senior Breakfast, (at the Cracker Barrel!)
Friday is nothing,
and Saturday is graduation!


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Take it as you will, and I'm sorry for the horrible picture quality.
It's Medusa! I think I may (just might) take my time and use my nifty prismas to color her in.

Finally some art!
She's a bit misproportional, but no worry, she's a fucking snake woman, she doesn't have to be correct :D

so much time.

Just... take it for a moment, I'm going to go all sentimental and girly.

13 years ago and when I was five, I walked into my first day of school.  I don't remember then, but I'm pretty sure I cried for my father.  I couldn't bare for him to leave me there.  After a few days, I made friends, and pretty soon, I was excited to go to school everyday to see my friends.

I kept these friends for the next 13 years. Some have changed, others have stayed and some even moved away.  I don't know how it happened. I mean, I don't know time passed so quickly since I was 5.  I never dreamed graduation day would be so close. So touchable, when it used to be so intangible. I remember the day I graduated from 6th grade.  I received a medal to wear around my neck and I was so proud! Finally, all the stupid years of elementary school were over.

Little did I know! 
Next Saturday, at 11 a.m., I will be presenting a speech to my classmates. I will be telling them goodbye, some of them for the last time.  When I come to the thought that there are some people that I will never see again, it makes me sad.  Then I think about the underclassmen that I know and love as my friends.  I'll probably never see them again after I leave for college.  

I always thought it'd last forever.
I always thought I'd stay friend with those people forever.
I never thought it through to this point.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I had a nifty job interview today.
Dressed up and everything! (I looked lovely!)
I think (almost positive) that I got the job.

So I'm celebrating. hehe.


I've been having dreams lately that I don't really remember, but there is a certain piece that keeps repeating itself in every dream that I have. Not a even a thing, it is a someone. It's is a guy, I'm supposing around my own age. He is never near enough to talk to, but he's always there, close to where I am. In no way in my dreams do I feel threatened him, I actually feel quite comforted.
So the guy is tall, (and skinny) around 6 feet. He had very short dark brown hair, and his eye color is like a grey/blue . He is always wear glasses, (black, top rimmed).  He's usually very happy. 

The funny thing about him, is that he is always wearing a white t-shirt with a pair of worn out jeans that have quite a few tears in them.  He never has shoes on, and follows me in bare feet. 

The only other odd thing is that he is always drinking a glass of milk.