Wednesday, June 6, 2012

so much time.

Just... take it for a moment, I'm going to go all sentimental and girly.

13 years ago and when I was five, I walked into my first day of school.  I don't remember then, but I'm pretty sure I cried for my father.  I couldn't bare for him to leave me there.  After a few days, I made friends, and pretty soon, I was excited to go to school everyday to see my friends.

I kept these friends for the next 13 years. Some have changed, others have stayed and some even moved away.  I don't know how it happened. I mean, I don't know time passed so quickly since I was 5.  I never dreamed graduation day would be so close. So touchable, when it used to be so intangible. I remember the day I graduated from 6th grade.  I received a medal to wear around my neck and I was so proud! Finally, all the stupid years of elementary school were over.

Little did I know! 
Next Saturday, at 11 a.m., I will be presenting a speech to my classmates. I will be telling them goodbye, some of them for the last time.  When I come to the thought that there are some people that I will never see again, it makes me sad.  Then I think about the underclassmen that I know and love as my friends.  I'll probably never see them again after I leave for college.  

I always thought it'd last forever.
I always thought I'd stay friend with those people forever.
I never thought it through to this point.

1 comment:

DarkJewel said...

Congrats on your graduation! It's gonna be pretty weird without your class next year. Good luck in all you do,I'm sure you'll do great!