Saturday, June 9, 2012


Since I know he'll eventually see this,
It keeps seeming completely possible that he is the most amazing guy I've known, much less loved.

I'd write a bunch more to explain, but I can't possibly find the words to even start to make anyone understand.
It's been about a year since I first started hanging out with him.  
I  never dreamed that we would even get along, much less that I would ever be in love with him.
Incredible. Fantastic. Amazing.
Those aren't even close. 
I've never known anything like this, at all.  He's like my best friend, and it doesn't matter what we're doing, I just enjoy being with him. I think he's so funny, and sweet, and not to mention gorgeous.
There is not a single soul who could make me smile the way he does <3.

I couldn't imagine even wanting anyone else. 

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